Regarding Clements question:
>Where are the GDAL/OGR headers installed? "gdal-config --cflags"
>should provide a clue.
The answer is: -I/usr/include/gdal
Is this OK? :)

Ok I grabbed newly fixed  i.pr.sites_aggregate Makefile and RUn i.pr

(drums) drrurrruhmmmmmmmmmmmmmsss.........
I got a couple of these errors:
sh: Can't open /usr/local/grass-6.4.0svn/tools/g.html2man/g.html2man

And seems to be working. I thought it would create an i.pr module that
integrates all sub-modules but no.

Seems to be working
What are those g.html2man error?

2010/1/29 Hamish <hamis...@yahoo.com>

> > Luisa Peña wrote:
> > > Several o i.pr.X are compiled but, as far as I can
> > see, only i.pr is not there.
> is there supposed to be a central "i.pr"? I don't see PGM=i.pr in any of
> the Makefiles.
> > /usr/local/grass-6.4.0svn/include/grass/vect/dig_structs.h:179:
> > error:
> > > expected specifier-qualifier-list before
> > �OGRDataSourceH�
> > /usr/local/grass-6.4.0svn/include/grass/vect/dig_structs.h:22:21:
> > error:
> > > ogr_api.h: No such file or directory
> Glynn:
> > I suspect that i.pr_*/Makefile need:
> >
> >
> > The vector headers include the OGR headers, so anything
> > which includes the vector headers needs any -I switches which are
> > required to find the OGR headers.
> right, I've just fixed the i.pr.sites_aggregate Makefile with the
> above and now all i.pr.* modules compile for me in 6.5svn. (r40730)
> there are a number of compiler warnings about *line++; "warning: value
> computed is not used" which I am not sure about.
> Hamish
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