#532: Vector editing not possible with wx tools
  Reporter:  geognu1  |       Owner:  grass-dev@lists.osgeo.org
      Type:  defect   |      Status:  new                      
  Priority:  major    |   Milestone:  6.4.0                    
 Component:  wxGUI    |     Version:  6.4.0 RCs                
Resolution:           |    Keywords:  vector, digit            
  Platform:  All      |         Cpu:  x86-32                   
Comment (by hamish):

 Replying to [comment:4 geognu]:
 > No way. Downgraded swig to v. 1.3.36, still get the same
 > message.

 still seeing it with the latest svn?
 what linux distro/version are you using?


Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/532#comment:11>
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