#728: wxgui: georectify zooming and panning don't work
  Reporter:  stevensj  |       Owner:  martinl            
      Type:  defect    |      Status:  assigned           
  Priority:  critical  |   Milestone:  6.4.0              
 Component:  wxGUI     |     Version:  svn-releasebranch64
Resolution:            |    Keywords:                     
  Platform:  Linux     |         Cpu:  x86-32             
Comment (by hamish):

 ok, progress- now I see the map and zooming and panning work in the
 georectifier (6.5svn), but when I click on the 0/1 button to quit nothing

 I get this error in the main layer manager output tab:
 line 285, in Cleanup

 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'Close'

 xkill is needed to recover. (but takes down the entire gui)

 (second time I tried (with earlier POINTS file) it did work; maybe have
 that ask "did you save/are you sure?" incase you click the wrong thing and
 lose an hour of careful digitizing)


 next bug:
 with it running from a lat/lon location, with scanned map loaded into a
 simple_xy location, the under-mouse map coords are all wrong.
 e.g. 338000 degrees North.  (shouldn't that be in simple_xy map units not
 LL? [lower left corner=0,0, upper right=rows*cols])

 If I make a new GCP the x,y coord is also wrong, and none of my existing
 POINTS created with i.points show up.


  * would it be possible to change the color of GCP lines which are 1
 standard dev. out from the mean GCP error as orange and 2 S.D. out as red?
 that is a nice way in i.points to see where your typos are.
 or failing that allow sort rows by clicking on column so you could group
 the worst offenders to the top.

  * is it possible to bind the arrow keys to move the currently selected
 GCP 1 pixel on the map display window?

  * more i.points goodness: can you change the color of the map marker to
 orange if that is the currently selected GCP data row? and have it still
 display on the map but turn to red if it the Use box is unticked?

  * long shot wish: i.vpoints lets you select a vector map from the target
 mapset to overlay on the fly based on the current tansform calculation.
 The other nice thing it has is left and right panels, in the left one you
 click on a feature in the source image, and in the right you click on what
 you know to be the same point in another map (rast or vect) in the target
 location. It then uses the x,y from the left pane and the east,north from
 the right pane to create the GCP without having to know or type any

  * from there is the grass5 addon magic auto GCP image tool, but one (or
 5) things at a time :)


Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/728#comment:11>
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