#843: v.digit broken on new WinGrass release
  Reporter:  cnielsen      |       Owner:  grass-dev@lists.osgeo.org
      Type:  defect        |      Status:  new                      
  Priority:  critical      |   Milestone:  6.4.0                    
 Component:  Tcl           |     Version:  svn-releasebranch64      
Resolution:                |    Keywords:  wingrass,v.digit         
  Platform:  MSWindows XP  |         Cpu:  x86-64                   
Comment (by hellik):

 Replying to [comment:27 hellik]:
 > Replying to [comment:26 hamish]:
 > {{{
 >  Region restored to original extent.
 > }}}
 > {{{
 >  Building topology for vector map <(null)>...
 > }}}
 > {{{
 >  Registering promitives...
 >  Unable to read vector map
 > }}}

 D2/3:   Tool_next = 1
 D3/3: new_line(): End
 D2/3: Quit
 D1/3: end()
 D3/3: Vect_build(): build = 0
 D3/3: Vect_build_nat() build = 0
 D2/3: dig_free_plus_areas()
 D2/3: dig_free_plus_isles()
 D2/3: dig_free_plus_areas()
 D2/3: dig_free_plus_isles()
 D2/3: dig_free_plus_nodes()
 D2/3: dig_free_plus_lines()
 D3/3: Vect_build(): build = 4
 Erstelle Topologie für die Vektorkarte <textvect>...
 D2/3: dig_cidx_free()
 D3/3: dig_cidx_init()
 D3/3: Vect_build_nat() build = 4
 D1/3: Vect_Rewind(): name = textvect
 Registriere Primitive...
 D3/3: Vect_read_next_line()
 D3/3: V1_read_next_line_nat()
 D3/3: Vect__Read_line_nat: offset = 14
 D3/3:     type = 1, do_cats = 1 dead = 0
 D3/3:     n_cats = 1
 D3/3:     n_points = 1
 D3/3:     off = 43
 D3/3: Register line: offset = 14
 D3/3: Register node: type = 1,  633486.570248,225933.884298
 D3/3: dig_find_node()
 D3/3: node = 0
 D3/3: dig_add_node(): n_nodes = 0, alloc_nodes = 0
 D3/3: dig_spidx_add_node(): node = 1, x,y,z = 633486.570248,
 225933.884298, 0.000000
 D3/3: new node = 1, n_nodes = 1, alloc_nodes = 1000
 D3/3: Add new node: 1
 D3/3: dig_node_add_line(): node = 1 line = 1
 D3/3: dig_node_alloc_line(): add = 1
 D3/3:     angle = -9.000000
 D3/3: dig_node_add_line(): line 1 added position 0 n_lines:
 1 angle -9.000000
 D3/3: dig_node_add_updated(): node = 1
 D3/3: dig_spidx_add_line(): line = 1
 D3/3: dig_line_add_updated(): line = 1
 D3/3: dig_cidx_add_cat(): field = 1 cat = 1 line = 1 type =
 D3/3: Vect_read_next_line()
 D3/3: V1_read_next_line_nat()
 D3/3: Vect__Read_line_nat: offset = 43
 D3/3:     type = 1, do_cats = 1 dead = 0
 D3/3:     n_cats = 1
 D3/3:     n_points = 1
 D3/3:     off = 72
 D3/3: Register line: offset = 43
 D3/3: Register node: type = 1,  642495.867769,220494.834711
 D3/3: dig_find_node()
 D3/3: node = 0
 D3/3: dig_add_node(): n_nodes = 1, alloc_nodes = 1000
 D3/3: dig_spidx_add_node(): node = 2, x,y,z = 642495.867769,
 220494.834711, 0.000000
 D3/3: new node = 2, n_nodes = 2, alloc_nodes = 1000
 D3/3: Add new node: 2
 D3/3: dig_node_add_line(): node = 2 line = 2
 D3/3: dig_node_alloc_line(): add = 1
 D3/3:     angle = -9.000000
 D3/3: dig_node_add_line(): line 2 added position 0 n_lines:
 1 angle -9.000000
 D3/3: dig_node_add_updated(): node = 2
 D3/3: dig_spidx_add_line(): line = 2
 D3/3: dig_line_add_updated(): line = 2
 D3/3: dig_cidx_add_cat(): field = 1 cat = 2 line = 2 type =
 D3/3: Vect_read_next_line()
 D3/3: V1_read_next_line_nat()
 D3/3: Vect__Read_line_nat: offset = 72
 2 primitives registered
 2 vertices registered
 Building areas...
 0 areas built
 0 isles built
 Füge Inseln hinzu...
 Füge Zentroide hinzu...
 Die Topologie wurde erstellt
 D2/3: dig_cidx_sort()
 Anzahl von Knoten: 2
 Anzahl von Primitives: 2
 Anzahl von Punkten : 2
 Anzahl von Linien: 0
 Anzahl von Boundaries: 0
 Anzahl von Zentroiden: 0
 Anzahl von Flächen: 0
 Anzahl von Inseln: 0
 D1/3: Vect_close(): name = textvect, mapset = user1, format
 = 0, level = 2
 D1/3: get coor info:
 D2/3: ftell = 72
 D1/3: Info->size = 72, Info->mtime = 1268436527
 D1/3: Vect_save_topo()
 D1/3: Open topo:
 D2/3: topo body offset 142
 D3/3: dig_Wr_P_node()
 D3/3: dig_Wr_P_node()
 D2/3: topo body offset 142
 D2/3: Vect_cidx_save()
 D2/3: Open cidx:
 D3/3: dig_write_cidx_head()
 D3/3: cidx 0 head offset: 13
 D3/3: cidx 0 offset: 0
 D3/3: cidx body offset 41
 D3/3: dig_write_cidx_head()
 D3/3: cidx 0 head offset: 13
 D3/3: cidx 0 offset: 41
 D3/3: cidx body offset 41
 D1/3: close history file
 D1/3: V1_close_nat(): name = textvect mapset= user1
 D1/3: get coor info:
 D2/3: ftell = 72
 D1/3: Info->size = 72, Info->mtime = 1268436527
 D1/3: dig__write_head()
 D1/3: write coor size (72) to head
 D2/3: coor body offset 14
 D1/3: Vect_get_thresh(): thresh = 0.000000
 D1/3: Vect_write_dblinks(): map = textvect, mapset = user1
 D1/3: dbln file:
 D1/3: 1 textvect cat $GISDBASE/$LOCATION_NAME/$MAPSET/dbf/
 D1/3: Dblinks written
 Region auf die ursprünglich Ausdehnung zurückgesetzt.
 D3/3: c_next_tool()
 D2/3:   Tool_next = 1
 D2/3: Quit
 D1/3: end()
 D3/3: Vect_build(): build = 0
 D3/3: Vect_build_nat() build = 0
 D2/3: dig_free_plus_areas()
 D2/3: dig_free_plus_isles()
 D2/3: dig_free_plus_areas()
 D2/3: dig_free_plus_isles()
 D2/3: dig_free_plus_nodes()
 D2/3: dig_free_plus_lines()
 D3/3: Vect_build(): build = 4
 Erstelle Topologie für die Vektorkarte <(null)>...
 D2/3: dig_cidx_free()
 D3/3: dig_cidx_init()
 D3/3: Vect_build_nat() build = 4
 Registriere Primitive...
 D3/3: Vect_read_next_line()
 Kann die Vektorkarte nicht lesen.
 D1/3: Vect_close(): name = (null), mapset = (null), format =
 0, level = 1

Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/843#comment:28>
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