On Thu, Apr 01, 2010 at 12:50:12AM -0700, Hamish wrote:
> As I understand it, CUDA is 100% dependent on the closed-source binary
> driver from nVidia and works on their video cards alone. Which is fine
> for today for people with nVidia hardware using their binary video
> card driver. If nVidia decides in a couple of years to stop supporting
> CUDA, your old card, your specific OS or distro, your OS or distro
> version+cpu type, or if they go out of business or are bought/sold to
> another company who is not interested, any code based on it becomes
> useless. For this reason code written for an open platform such as
> OpenCL, even if less advanced, seems to have a brighter long-term
> future.


Don't feed the lockers

Francesco P. Lovergine
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