> Glynn wrote:
> I'd like to just make one final request to remove the swig
> directory before release. Otherwise, people will try
> and use it.

(& they already are trying)

I have no problem with this, but am not really able to test
anything well right now as traveling either. If doing it I think
we'd need to tag one last RC; perhaps no need to formally announce
that beyond the grass-* mailing lists. I don't think to just
rename it as the stable release if the tests are all good, as
gdal does, but tagging rev+1 after modifying the VERSION file.
(hope that makes sense, I mean re-tag, not renaming the tarball

if removing the full swig/ dir, are there ctype options for
perl/java/.net/etc users? if not, were they doomed to fail with
swig anyway?

> PS: perhaps we should move
> swig/python/examples
> elsewhere.

yes, I thought the same thing. I'd like to see the examples/
all ported to ctypes. (I still need to learn..)


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