
2010/8/23 Helmut Kudrnovsky <hel...@web.de>:
>>> Finally, for the FOSS4G 2010 OSGeo Live GIS disc I have packaged it with
>>> ~/.grassrc6 containing GRASS_GUI=wxpython, so there Linux starts with
>>> the wxGUI.
>>At this point we should do it for the rest of the users, too. I'd
>>really like to avoid to
>>be flooded with messages of "where is the new GUI??" content since the
>>standard Linux distros will package whatever is set in the software.
> there was so much effort to create a new and working gui (wxgui) which will 
> be the next generation
> user interface.

from my point of view is unacceptable to change the default GUI
(DEFAULT_GUI in init.sh) within 6.4.x. Change it now (i.e. before
releasing 6.4.0) or leave it for 6.5 (6.6) or 7.0.

> IMHO this should be honored a lot and  the wxgui should be considered as the 
> default in the upcoming grass64-release,
> mainly to get feedback and being able to improve this interface.
> on windows - I've played a lot with grass64/65/70-versions - I've almost 
> never used the tcltk-gui.
> so I vote for wxgui as the default for all os-platforms.

As a wxGUI developer I cannot judge which GUI should be default.


Martin Landa <landa.martin gmail.com> * http://gama.fsv.cvut.cz/~landa
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