#1185: v.in.ogr on WinGrass: "Bad file descriptor"
 Reporter:  hamish              |       Owner:  grass-...@…              
     Type:  defect              |      Status:  new                      
 Priority:  normal              |   Milestone:  6.4.1                    
Component:  Vector              |     Version:  unspecified              
 Keywords:  v.in.ogr, wingrass  |    Platform:  MSWindows XP             
      Cpu:  Unspecified         |  

Comment(by hellik):

 Replying to [ticket:1185 hamish]:
 > Hi, this was posted to the wiki by "JeeJah".
 > Not tested, no other idea about it. version and binary build unknown.
 But it warrants looking into..
 > {{{
 > When importing an ESRI shapefile using the v.in.ogr
 > command the following error may occur:
 > [Bad file descriptor: Files]
 > The output vector file is created but GRASS is "unable
 > to open the vector map."
 > Sample dialog:
 > [v.in.ogr dsn=D:\acadia\Skyland\ortho\G_Ortho_Index.shp \
 >   output=orthoindex01
 > Projection of input dataset and current location appear to match
 > Layer: G_Ortho_Index
 >  Bad file descriptor: Files
 > Please note that the data are left in incosistent stage
 > and can be corrupted (Thu Sep 30 14:15:16 2010) Command
 >  aborted (20 sec)]
 > Solution:
 > ???
 > }}}
 > HB: It seems you found a bug: "C:\Program" got sent as the first
 argument, and the second half, "Files\GRASS-64\..." was sent as the second
 argument. Somewhere some path variable is not quoted correctly to protect
 against spaces in pathnames.

 test with the actual WinGrass64-release (installed in c:\Program

 v.in.ogr --verbose dsn=C:\wd\gextension\firestations.shp
 Die Projektionsinformationen des Eingabedatensatzes und der aktuellen
 Location scheinen übereinzustimmen.
 Layer: firestations
 Spaltenname wurde geändert: 'cat' -> 'cat_'
 Importiere 71 Objekte der Karte...
 Erstelle Topologie für die Vektorkarte <testvimport>...
 Registriere Primitive...
 71 Primitive registriert
 71 Vertices registriert
 Erzeuge Flächen...
 0 Flächen angelegt
 0 Inseln angelegt
 Füge Inseln hinzu...
 Füge Zentroide hinzu...
 Die Topologie wurde erstellt
 Anzahl der Knoten: 71
 Anzahl der Primitive: 71
 Anzahl der Punkte: 71
 Anzahl der Linien: 0
 Anzahl der Grenzen: 0
 Anzahl der Zentroide: 0
 Anzahl der Flächen: 0
 Anzahl der Inseln: 0
 (Fri Oct 01 20:08:31 2010) Command finished (0 sec)

 it works. I would vote for closing the ticket.


Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/1185#comment:1>
GRASS GIS <http://grass.osgeo.org>

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