#1178: WinGrass: g.extension - problem with path to $GISBASE
 Reporter:  hellik                                             |       Owner:  
     Type:  defect                                             |      Status:  
 Priority:  major                                              |   Milestone:  
Component:  Installation                                       |     Version:  
 Keywords:  wingrass, g.extension, path, installation, addons  |    Platform:  
MSWindows Vista          
      Cpu:  x86-32                                             |  

Comment(by hellik):

 Replying to [comment:16 hamish]:
 > Replying to [comment:14 hellik]:
 > > p.s. noted that this is a statical approach, but at the moment
 > > it's a chance to test g.extension in wingrass. later on - after
 > > testing g.extension - it could be changed into a dynamically
 > > approach as described in comment:7
 > right, notice in the above comment:7 you get:
 > {{{
 > %~s1     =      C:\PROGRA~1\GRASS-~2\
 > }}}
 > as you have more than 1 grass installed. Of course people will add and
 remove different grasses after the initial install, so setting it to the
 shortened version as it was at install time is not ideal.

 but we are already there, see

 ;create the $INSTALL_DIR\msys\etc\fstab with the main grass dir mount info
 FileOpen $0 $INSTALL_DIR\msys\etc\fstab w
 IfErrors done_create_fstab
 FileWrite $0 '$INST_DIR_SHORT   /grass$\r$\n'
 FileClose $0

 which leads on my laptop after a lot install/deinstall from different
 WinGrass64/65/70-versions to

 C:\PROGRA~1\GRASS-~3   /grass

 which is different of situation at installation time.

 I have no idea at the moment if this (;create the
 $INSTALL_DIR\msys\etc\fstab with the main grass dir mount info)affects a

 > ps- why not "C:\Program Files\GRASS-6.4.SVN" ? -64- looks a little weird
 to me and could be confused with 64bit. does the .4 or .svn get mistaken
 for a file type? On the other hand, final \GRASS-64 (or is it GRASS-640?)
 fits into 8.3 already which avoids some of the shortname headaches. Same
 for the names in the Start menu structure.

 I would vote for a rearrangement/renaming of the WinGrass-installation if
 this could enhance the situation.

 any hints for suitable naming convention for the different WinGrass-


Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/1178#comment:17>
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