On Sat, Nov 20, 2010 at 10:49:05PM +0100, Martin Landa wrote:
> Hi,
> 2010/11/20 Paolo Cavallini <cavall...@faunalia.it>:
> > I know it's an old thread, and that not everybody agrees, but I still 
> > think, after
> > talking with people more knowledgeable than me, that separating the core of 
> > (libraries+CLI) from the GUI(s) will make the release and packaging process 
> > faster
> > and smoother, and the integration with other software, both desktop and 
> > web, easier
> > and cleaner.
> > Can we revive the discussion about this?
> well, my option is very subjective - wxGUI is going to be a solid GUI
> for GRASS. Anyone can build it's own GRASS distribution without any
> GUI (libraries and subset of the GRASS modules). But it's not task for
> the core GRASS developers. They are creating solid environment ---
> GRASS libraries + modules (CLI) and also the GUI. Feel free to take
> what you what from this composition.
> Martin

What Paolo is probably trying (also?) to say is that GUIs and core could
have completely different release cycles. The GUI should be a component
like any other, to be released when ready, but that should not become
a permanent blocker of the release process, like did happen in the 
6.4 release. Many people (like me and many other) use Grass as a 
scripting language and are completely uninterested in having a stable 
GUI at all, but are interested in having a working stable core in 
reasonable times. Of course, IMHO applies.

Francesco P. Lovergine
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