Francesco P. Lovergine wrote:

> As said in another mail of mine, it is not a problem brute-splitting GUI
> dependencies (e.g. current squeeze release for 6.4 only *suggests*
> wxpython dependencies). Moving GUI-related binaries in different
> packages is a pain to maintain, but theoretically it can also be done. 
> It remains a brute hack anyway, which is a symptom of
> a fundamental design problem: the whole system is theoretically 
> layered and modular, but in fact it cannot be really componentized
> in a *clean* way. Something I find basically disturbing and not
> elegant, sorry my purism. 

You are really going to have to explain what you are talking about,
otherwise I (and possibly others) are going to conclude that you don't
have a clue and should just be ignored.

GRASS' structure is about as layered and modular as you can get. If
you install it on a system without GUI libraries, the only portions
which won't work are those which inherently cannot function without
those libraries (i.e. the GUI, digitiser, XDRIVER).

> And like it or not, there are people that do not use the
> default GUI or a GUI at all.

Like me. The only time I'll run the GUI is if I need to test some
aspect of the GUI. Which is why I have no idea where you're getting
these notions about integration from.

Glynn Clements <>
grass-dev mailing list

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