#1333: ps.map mapinfo aligns horizontally to map
 Reporter:  annakrat         |       Owner:  hamish          
     Type:  enhancement      |      Status:  assigned        
 Priority:  minor            |   Milestone:  6.4.2           
Component:  Ps.map           |     Version:  svn-develbranch6
 Keywords:  ps.map, mapinfo  |    Platform:  All             
      Cpu:  All              |  
Changes (by hamish):

  * version:  unspecified => svn-develbranch6


 this is the cause, in ps/ps.map/map_info.c:
     if (x < PS.map_left + margin)
         x = PS.map_left + margin;

 It then goes on to test if the map info box is within the map canvas
 before determining the box width (based on length of text strings) so it
 can use that as a basis for drawing the background box. (which explains
 why background/border drawing only works within the map canvas)

 Before just ripping that out, I'd like to understand why it was written
 that way, as whoever wrote it really did want it to stay within the box.

 ps_vlegend.c is very similar, and there I commented out that is-in-box
 test some years ago so the border would work outside the box, but without
 figuring out why it was like that in the first place.

 any PostScript (as a programming language) experts in the house?


Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/1333#comment:4>
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