On Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 2:07 AM, Glynn Clements
<gl...@gclements.plus.com> wrote:
> Markus Neteler wrote:
>> > > Devs, since this has been asked so often (incl. myself), I really
>> > > vote for i18n-tagging these buttons.
>> >
>> > is it really needed? It is good idea to leave it for underlaying
>> > library to get standardized translation within given OS.
>> This will fail if a user wants a different language than that provided
>> by the OS. Me in Japan don't manage to read those buttons
>> easily in Japanese...
> Translating the GRASS GUI won't help much if the rest of the desktop
> is in Japanese.

Sure, that's why there is a related ticket:

Add a "change language" option in GRASS GUI

> And using a different language for portions of the GUI which are
> high-level OS components (e.g. file selection dialogs) may not even be
> possible.

I had added it 1-2 years ago, it worked and it has been reverted since
then by someone else (which reintroduced the problem).

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