#730: sqlite: troubles with datetime columns: unable to parse decltype: datetime
 Reporter:  neteler   |       Owner:  grass-dev@…              
     Type:  defect    |      Status:  new                      
 Priority:  normal    |   Milestone:  6.4.0                    
Component:  Database  |     Version:  6.4.0 RCs                
 Keywords:            |    Platform:  All                      
      Cpu:  All       |  

Comment(by mmetz):

 Replying to [ticket:730 neteler]:
 > There are some troubles with datetime columns in SQLite:
 > Not sure what to do: map to which DB_SQL_TYPE_xxx?
 The SQLite documentation says that datetime is of the format "YYYY-MM-DD
 HH:MM:SS". According to lib/db/dbmi_base/datetime.c, DB_SQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP
 seems to be an exact match. Try trunk r48359.

 Markus M

Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/730#comment:1>
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