#498: r.sun2 commissioning trials
 Reporter:  hamish  |       Owner:  hamish          
     Type:  defect  |      Status:  assigned        
 Priority:  major   |   Milestone:  6.4.2           
Component:  Raster  |     Version:  svn-develbranch6
 Keywords:  r.sun   |    Platform:  All             
      Cpu:  All     |  

Comment(by dylan):

 Here is the code used to produce the example images. Note that the beam
 and diffuse radiance maps created by r.sun are clearly incorrect when
 slope and aspect maps are not specified. The output looks correct when
 slope and aspect are specified. The beam and diffuse radiance maps are
 attached as: "beam_rad.015.jpg" / "diff_rad.015.jpg" (only elevation
 given), and "sa_beam_rad.015.jpg" / "sa_diff_rad.015.jpg" (slope and
 aspect given). The DEM used can be found here:

 g.region rast=elev30 res=30 -pa
 r.slope.aspect elevation=elev30 slope=slope30 aspect=aspect30

 r.sun -s --o elevin=elev30  day=15  beam_rad=beam_rad.015
 diff_rad=diff_rad.015 refl_rad=refl_rad.015 glob_rad=glob_rad.015

 r.sun -s --o elevin=elev30 slopein=slope30 aspin=aspect30 day=15
 beam_rad=sa_beam_rad.015 diff_rad=sa_diff_rad.015 glob_rad=sa_glob_rad.015

Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/498#comment:19>
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