On Wed, Dec 21, 2011 at 12:51 AM, Hamish <hamis...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Margherita wrote:
> > I'm reporting an error on behalf of a student.
> > She tried to install Wingrass 6.4RC2 on her
> > Windoze 7 machine and got the following error[1]
> > when trying to launch the program: Path names
> > containing spaces are not supported. Problem is
> > that she has confirmed all the default paths
> > during installation, also for grass data set.
> > Several students did the same also on Win 7
> > without problems. So, what's wrong? Please help..
> you mean starting GRASS itself?
> the error message is because MSys doesn't like
> to be in C:\Program Files\ (it wants to be in e.g.
> C:\osgeo4w\) and comes from mswindows/osgeo4w/msys.bat
> but, GRASS-Packager.bat should have run:
> rem delete msys.bat from osgeo4w because there is an adaption (for spaces
> in installation path) written by GRASS-Installer.nsi
> del %PACKAGE_DIR%\msys\msys.bat
> ?
> does the same happen with the nightly build of
> 6.4svn wingrass? maybe it is an osgeo4w packaging
> thing??

Hamish, thanks for answering. The problem is both in
from [1] and on daily WinGRASS-6.4.SVN-r49821-1-Setup.exe from [2]. Problem
raises starting GRASS. Then, GRASS starts without the terminal.

Thanks for any hint,

[1] http://grass.fbk.eu/grass64/binary/mswindows/native/
[2] http://wingrass.fsv.cvut.cz/grass64/

> Hamish

Eng. Margherita Di Leo
Ph.D. Candidate
Methods and Technologies for Environmental Monitoring
Department of Environmental Engineering and Physics (DIFA)

University of Basilicata
Campus Macchia Romana
85100 - Potenza

Office: +39-0971205360
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