svn log:
> > +Symbols in form of PNG images enable to choose easily
> symbols in d.vect
> > +and in wx.psmap dialogs. It is necessary to keep
> images synchronized with
> > +symbols from ./lib/symbol/symbol/ directories.

Martin wrote:
> ideally symbols should be created by GRASS building system,
> similarly
> to r.colors color table thumbnails...

yes, Anna & I discussed that & ideally yes, but in practice
it is just me who added new symbols for the last 5
years, I don't mind the little extra work and was
making PNGs for the wiki anyway, and I'd rather not
make inkscape, optipng, gv, netpbm, and/or
imagemagick build dependencies for GRASS just for this.

thus I think the frequency is too low and the file
bloat is too small to worry about the extra effort.
(plus a little bit of paint program editing at the
pixel level might be needed if things didn't scale well)

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