On 18/10/12 10:13, Sören Gebbert wrote:
I had in mind to allow the user to select the dateutil dependency at
compile time so he is aware if grass is build with or without

How does a python module play a role at build-time ? You could build grass on a system that doesn't have dateutil, but then run it on one that does and it should work...

listed in the summary of the configure script. So i need to
add a configure check for dateutil ... . Besides of that, when we make
it optional, we will have the situation of users that have dateutil
and user that don't. This will result in help/tutorial/scripts that
work only with dateutil but not without ... IMHO a mess.

That's the real question. If functionality is so different that docs have to be fundamentally different then it's an issue, IMHO. Is that the case ?

If however, dateutil just provides more convenient date input options, can't you just write the docs with having non-dateutil users in mind, with a hint somewhere about what using dateutil offers as extras ?

May i share your thoughts on the list?

We are on the list ;-)

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