On Fri, Feb 22, 2013 at 10:39 AM, GRASS GIS <t...@osgeo.org> wrote:
> #1683: error message v.db.addcol
> ---------------------------+------------------------------------------------
>  Reporter:  jradinger      |       Owner:  hamish
>      Type:  defect         |      Status:  assigned
>  Priority:  major          |   Milestone:  6.4.3
> Component:  Shell Scripts  |     Version:  svn-develbranch6
>  Keywords:  v.db.addcol    |    Platform:  All
>       Cpu:  Unspecified    |
> ---------------------------+------------------------------------------------
> Comment(by hamish):
>  Replying to [comment:12 jradinger]:
>  > sorry for responding so late.
>  ditto, better a late response than none :)
>  > How can I clean up my gisenv as I think that might solve the
>  > problem? Whats the best way? My ADDON_PATH is extremely long
>  > and repeatedly the same. Furthermore it seems there is a line
>  > break in gisenv dividing "r" and "adinger...", which is causing
>  > the problem above.
>  see comment:5.
>  MarkusM wrote:
>  > You could try to manually edit ~/.grass7/rc.
>  In GRASS 6 the file is ~/.grassrc6, and you should not be in a GRASS
>  session when you edit it.

Thank you and Markus M. for the instruction. I've cleaned my ~/.grassrc6 and
don't get any error messages anymore when i try to use v.db.addcol.


>  I have had another attempt at making v.db.addcol more robust to external
>  g.gisenv problems in r55162,3. This report should stay open until the
>  other ~36 scripts that use `eval g.gisenv` but only really need one
>  variable from it have been checked/fixed. Spaces and other fun chars in
>  GISDBASE will make eval unhappy.
>  Hamish
> --
> Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/1683#comment:15>
> GRASS GIS <http://grass.osgeo.org>
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