#1866: broken db driver communication in winGRASS 7
 Reporter:  martinl           |       Owner:  grass-dev@…              
     Type:  defect            |      Status:  new                      
 Priority:  blocker           |   Milestone:  7.0.0                    
Component:  Database          |     Version:  unspecified              
 Keywords:  sqlite, wingrass  |    Platform:  MSWindows 2K             
      Cpu:  Unspecified       |  

Comment(by glynn):

 Replying to [comment:25 mmetz]:

 > Do we need to add this globally, i.e. to gisinit()?
 I don't think so. stdin/stdout are normally text streams, so we probably
 want the CRLF<->LF conversions.

 > BTW, I think that `lib/dbmi_driver/driver.c` should be in
 `lib/db/dbmi_client/` for consistency, or IOW there were
 `lib/dbmi_client/start.c` is. It seems that `lib/dbmi_driver/` should only
 include db_d_* functions.

 Drivers should be linked with -lgrass_dbmidriver and -lgrass_dbmibase.
 Clients should be linked with -lgrass_dbmiclient and -lgrass_dbmibase.

 dbmi_driver should contain functions which are only of use to drivers,
 dbmi_client should contain functions which are only of use to clients,
 dbmi_base should contain functions which are of use to both.

 db_driver() is the core of a driver's main() function, and belongs in

Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/1866#comment:26>
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