#1891: wingrass: background dosbox from regular wxgui startup
 Reporter:  hamish    |       Owner:  grass-dev@…              
     Type:  defect    |      Status:  new                      
 Priority:  major     |   Milestone:  6.4.3                    
Component:  Default   |     Version:  svn-releasebranch64      
 Keywords:  wingrass  |    Platform:  MSWindows 7              
      Cpu:  x86-64    |  

Comment(by hellik):

 Replying to [comment:8 glynn]:
 > Replying to [comment:6 hellik]:
 > > IMHO we should get rid of the MSYS-commandline and only use the
 windows-CMD, it already works in winGRASS7 in this way.
 > As GRASS 6.x requires bash, the user should be given the option to
 launch a session using bash instead of cmd.exe. Either shell should be run
 using the Windows console; MSys' rxvt is quite buggy and isn't compatible
 with pdcurses.

 thanks for clarification of my bad description, of course I've meant rxvt.

Ticket URL: <http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/1891#comment:9>
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