Thank you Markus,

thats really a profound answer perfectly solving the problem. I've tested
it, and
it is smoothly working in GRASS65. Just the variables for r.patch in python
are input and output instead of in and out....


On Mon, Jun 3, 2013 at 9:49 PM, Markus Metz

> On Mon, Jun 3, 2013 at 3:30 PM, Johannes Radinger
> <> wrote:
> > Hi Markus,
> > Hi others,
> >
> > I am coming back to the topic of running r.watershed on a rasterized
> river
> > network.
> >
> > As recommended I buffered now my river raster. This river raster is a
> > thinned distance raster
> > with increasing values from the outlet to the branches (calculated via
> > r.cost) and as
> > I said it is buffered now with a very large value (2 x max of the thinned
> > distance raster).
> >
> > So actually this should work as an input map to r.watershed. And it does
> > more or
> > less perfectly: There's just one issue concerning the outlet-stream
> segment.
> > Somehow this (in my case small segment, in the south-west corner) is
> missing
> > in the stream-map output of r.watershed.
> > I am working on GRASS6.5. Attached there is a zipped GTIFF with the
> > "pseudo-elevation" map
> > (this thinned and buffered distance raster) I am using as input to
> > r.watershed.
> There is another error in the north-eastern part where a stream
> segment extents into the buffer area. The reason for these artefacts
> is that r.watershed does not know where the outlet is because all
> river segments are inside the buffer. In this case, the outlet is the
> starting point of r.cost which has in the river raster the value 0.
> You could produce the desired output with
> # buffer
> r.grow.distance input=river_raster value=river_raster_nearest
> # get value of nearest river cell
> r.grow input=river_raster output=river_raster_grow radius=2.01 old=1
> new=100000
> # remove buffer for start point
> r.mapcalc "river_raster_grow_start = if(river_raster_nearest == 0,
> null(), river_raster_grow)"
> # grow by one cell to make sure that the start point is the only cell
> of the river bordering a NULL cell
> r.grow input=river_raster_grow_start output=river_raster_buffer
> radius=1.01 old=100000 new=100000
> # path river raster with buffer
> r.patch in=river_raster,river_raster_buffer out=buffered_distance_raster2
> # get stream segments
> r.watershed -s --overwrite elevation=buffered_distance_raster2
> stream=test_segments threshold=3
> HTH,
> Markus
> >
> > The command I am using is:
> > r.watershed -f --overwrite elevation=buffer_river_raster
> > stream=test_segments threshold=3
> > The threshold has been set to 3 as this is the number of raster cells
> that
> > refer to the buffer (3 x resolution)
> >
> > Can anyone reproduce that the outlet small river segment is missing in
> the
> > produced "test_segments"??
> > What is causing that?
> >
> > /Johannes
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 12:37 PM, GRASS GIS <> wrote:
> >>
> >> #1924: r.watershed - empty stream segment map
> >>
> >>
> -----------------------+----------------------------------------------------
> >>  Reporter:  jradinger  |       Owner:  grass-dev@…
> >>      Type:  defect     |      Status:  new
> >>  Priority:  normal     |   Milestone:
> >> Component:  Raster     |     Version:  svn-trunk
> >>  Keywords:             |    Platform:  Linux
> >>       Cpu:  x86-32     |
> >>
> >>
> -----------------------+----------------------------------------------------
> >>
> >> Comment(by mmetz):
> >>
> >>  Replying to [comment:2 jradinger]:
> >>  >
> >>  > Two more important things:
> >>  > 1) The elevation input map is accutally already a thinned river
> raster.
> >>  The raster
> >>  > values represent a pseude elevation which  was generated with r.cost
> >>  from the source.
> >>  > Thus the value (elevation) is increasing upstream. r.watershed is
> just
> >>  used for getting
> >>  > the flowdirection and segmenting the river raster. (if needed I can
> >>  provide the elevation-rcost
> >>  > raster)
> >>
> >>  r.watershed expects a surface as input. Using a thinned river raster as
> >>  input should give weird results: all non-NULL cells face at least one
> >> NULL
> >>  cell treated as unknown elevation, thus flow direction can not be
> >>  unambiguously determined. You can try to place a buffer around the
> rivers
> >>  and fill the buffer with pseudo-elevation values larger than the
> largest
> >>  cost value. For example, create a buffer using 300 meter (3 cells) as
> >>  distance, set a pseudo elevation value for the buffer zone, patch the
> >>  thinned river raster with the pseudo elevation, run r.watershed with
> >>  threshold=3. Works for me.
> >>
> >>  > And maybe a warning/error message should be printed when threshold =
> 0,
> >>  instead of the (for me confusing error)
> >>
> >>  Makes sense.
> >>
> >>  Markus M
> >>
> >> --
> >> Ticket URL: <>
> >> GRASS GIS <>
> >>
> >
> >
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> > grass-user mailing list
> >
> >
> >
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