On Sun, Jun 9, 2013 at 2:50 AM, Hamish <hamis...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Michael wrote:
>> Here is the command:
>> v.in.ascii --overwrite input=/Users/cmbarton/sites_out
>> /sites_out.csv output=sites_test separator=, skip=1 x=15
>> y=16 cat=0
>> Here is the csv file:
> (got it)
>> Once imported, take a look at the sites in the lower left.
>> You can see the pairs of sites that should be the same
>> location.
> seems that it's ok, v.out.ascii looks good. I think the GUI query
> tool is just picking up the nearby cat 15 at -30626,4116558,
> versus cat 46 and 47 at -31415|4116150.

Works for me too, cats 46 and 47 are exactly in top of each other. The
grid in the attached screenshot is a 1 cm grid.

Markus M

> see attached screenshot. the two coords you posted are the two
> triangles. (d.mark addon)
> as for if the wx query tool will show you attribute data for
> both overlapping points (like QGIS does), I don't know.
> the wx digitizer has a threshold option for snapping, there
> doesn't seem to be a similar mouse-proximity adjustment for
> the query tool. maybe that doesn't need an adjustment, just a
> change from 10px to 5px (even better if it could deal with diff't
> screen DPIs)
> Hamish
> ps- background (etopo1) is a bit crude as r.in.onearth stopped
> working again/JPL changed their tiled WMS again?
> pps- er, the vector query tool defaults to edit mode?
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