Michael wrote:
> I did a test of g.extension in GRASS
> 6.4 svn and 6.5. It works fine on the Mac for the test case
> of r.fuzzy.
> GRASS 7 still does not work for me, at least with wxPython
> 2.8 (will be doing more testing on 2.9 later today), but
> that is not relevant for the 6.4.3 release.

thanks Michael, I've been looking forward to hearing about
the state of that.

for a thorough test, it would be good to check the combination(s)
of shell script, python script, and compiled C code, both from 
the grass command line (g.extension.sh) and the wxGUI (g.exension.py).

if it helps save you a few moments of searching, here are some
nice examples of those from each category

shell:  r.surf.volcano, v.points.cog, (plug:) d.anaglyph
python: r.diversity, r.in.wms2
C code: r.fuzzy, v.in.gshhs

Other than that, I'm not seeing any reason to wait on the last
RC for 6.4.3, then write release announcements and make sure all
the packing scripts still work in the next week or two while
that is being tested, and then get the final release out by the
end of the month, hopefully without much in the way of changes.

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