#2015: Missing file association dialog pops up all the time
 Reporter:  wenzeslaus  |       Owner:  grass-dev@…              
     Type:  defect      |      Status:  new                      
 Priority:  normal      |   Milestone:  7.0.0                    
Component:  Default     |     Version:  svn-trunk                
 Keywords:              |    Platform:  MSWindows 7              
      Cpu:  All         |  
 == Summary ==

 Doing almost anything in GRASS on MS Windows causes that "Missing file
 association dialog" pops up. It happens when some Python module runs.
 System reports that "file association" for `.py` file is missing, although
 that there is no (?) reason for it. The strange thing is that after
 closing the dialog, everything starts normally.

 == Details ==

 This was not happening few weeks ago. It is happening for both Win 7 and
 Win 8 and for new GRASS 7 and also for more than half-year-old snapshot,
 so one would say that something changed by some Windows update.
 (Milestone, version, and ms win set to 7, but probably applies also for

 It seems that system looks for the "file association" for `.py` files even
 if you run
 C:\...grass...\extrabin\python.exe C:\...myfile.py
 from windows command line (as some would say DOS). It also happens if you
 use Popen to start a subprocess.

 Setting file association to `C:\...grass...\extrabin\python.exe` or
 `C:\...grass...\extrabin\pythonw.exe` does help - the dialog no longer
 pops up. However, when the association was set to `notepad`, running some
 script in GRASS opened `notepad` window with the `.py` file, so system is
 using the file association to start something. I haven't noticed this with
 association to `python.exe`.

 I'm also not sure when GRASS is using file association (i.e. staring
 python script without any `python.exe`) and when is using `python.exe` to
 start script (which is passed as parameter). When a later case would be
 the only case the file association set to some /dev/null-like program
 would work but its of course strange.

 Strangely, newer installations of GRASS 7 should have file association set
 by the installer according to r54625 and r54626.

 == How to debug a problem ==

 I've tried to use these commands to get some info, but they were not
 working (change haven't appeared):
 assoc .py
 ftype "Something, probably Python.File"

 echo %PATHEXT%
 may be important, since it contains `.PY` in GRASS session.

Ticket URL: <http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/2015>
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