#2010: r.in.wms2 fails to install on 6.x
 Reporter:  hamish     |       Owner:  grass-dev@…              
     Type:  defect     |      Status:  new                      
 Priority:  major      |   Milestone:  6.4.4                    
Component:  Addons     |     Version:  svn-releasebranch64      
 Keywords:  r.in.wms2  |    Platform:  Linux                    
      Cpu:  All        |  

Comment(by turek):


 Replying to [comment:7 hamish]:
 >  * png8 support missing for WMS 1.3.0
 In capabilties file of WMS 1.1.1 there are two formats: image/png;
 mode=8bit and image/png8. In WMS 1.3.0 there is only image/png; mode=8bit
 format. I am not sure which one to use. Currently is used image/png8
 therefore you can not see png8 in WMS 1.3.0. Maybe it should be used
 image/png; mode=8bit, because WMS 1.3.0 is more restrictive regarding
 formats. It requires only MIME types formats. WMS 1.1.1. is more
 benevolent. It could mean that image/png; mode=8bit is MIME type and the
 other is not. Or it just changes randomly from server to server?

 >  * color picker greyed out in the "Add web service layer" WMS gui.

 That is not very user friendly. If you check do not request transparent
 data, the button will be activated. Should be the tooltip added there or
 the button should be hidden if the choice is not checked? Or just let it
 activated also when it is unchecked?

 >  * loss of region precision in the saved map,

 Probably it is caused by reprojection (using gdalwarp).

 >  * WFS mixes in WMS layers, and has lot of traceback parse errors, but
 realistic data plots; can't query it in the map display window though.  is
 WFS supposed to work yet or is it still a work in progress?

 WFS is not supported, parser just tries interpret capabilities file
 somehow. The parser is written in tolerant way, so it does not enforce
 standards strictly, instead of this it tries to interpret everything what
 it can understood.


Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/2010#comment:8>
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