#2134: Create a general exit-safe interface to C libraries
 Reporter:  wenzeslaus                            |       Owner:  grass-dev@…   
     Type:  enhancement                           |      Status:  new           
 Priority:  normal                                |   Milestone:  7.0.0         
Component:  Python ctypes                         |     Version:  svn-trunk     
 Keywords:  G_fatal_error, exit, multiprocessing  |    Platform:  All           
      Cpu:  Unspecified                           |  

Comment(by huhabla):

 In my opinion the RPC approach is only meaningful for persistent
 applications that need fast access to C-library functions, or that need
 low level API access for data modification (like digitizing).

 My intention to write the RPC server was to make the temporal framework
 usable in persistent applications and to be as fast as possible.

 Extending the PyGRASS framework with signal handling will not solve the
 problem: that memory structures may be corrupted in case of a
 G_fatal_error() call or a segfault, leading to incorrect computation
 results or to segmentation faults in the persistent application.

 Implementation of persistent applications that use the GRASS C-library
 functions in their process memory is IMHO not possible. We have had this
 discussion for years.

 The PyGRASS interface is well designed for module programming not for
 persistent applications. Otherwise each C-function call should be handled
 via RPC. From my point of view and some tests that i made slows the RPC
 approach the processing significantly down.


 from multiprocessing import Process, Pipe, Lock
 import time

 num = 50000

 def func(a):
     b = a + 1
     c = b + 1
     d = c + b
     return d

 def dict_func():
     a = {}
     for i in xrange(num):
         a["%i%i%i%i"%(i,i,i,i)] = func

     start = time.time()

     for i in xrange(num):

     end = time.time()

     print end - start

 def target(lock, conn):
     a = [func]*num
     while True:
         # Avoid busy waiting
         data = conn.recv()
         ret = a[data[0]](data[1])

 def rpc_func():
     client_conn, server_conn = Pipe()
     lock = Lock()
     server = Process(target=target, args=(lock, server_conn))
     server.daemon = True


     start = time.time()
     for i in xrange(num):
         if server.is_alive() is True:
             data = [i, 5]

     end = time.time()

     print end - start

 if __name__ == "__main__":
     # Measuring the time to call of 50000 functions that are
     # registered in a dictionary
     # Measuring the time to call 50000 functions
     # using an RPC approach

 Running the script will show that calling functions from a dict is 50 time
 faster than using a pipe with a subprocess.
 python rpc_test.py

Ticket URL: <http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/2134#comment:7>
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