
Hamish wrote:
>> I just added in the dev branches two new flags for v.what.rast.
>> [...]
>> The second flag changes the default containing-grid-cell method to a
>> weighted avg. of the 4 nearest raster cell centers (IDW). The search radius
>> is not very big [...]
> AFAIK, IDW takes as argument the radius which is fixed to 1 which is
> questionable.

I'm not sure I follow what you mean, but the "distance" in the 4-way inverse
distance weighting in the new v.what.rast -i interpolate flag is calculated
for each of the closest four raster cells' center coord by running
G_distance() vs. the vector point's position, and then the weighting in the
weighted average for each of those four cells' data values is by 1/distance^2.

It doesn't assume that the 4 surrounding cells are equally distant:

weightsum = valweight = 0;

weight[i] = 1.0 / (distance[i] * distance[i]);
weightsum += weight[i];

valweight += weight[i] * nearby_d_val[i];
value = valweight / weightsum;   // 0./0. == nan

The other thing of note is that if any of the nearest four cells are null
then it discards it from the weighted average, and proceeds with n-1 elements.
I find this a preferable compromise between the null if-any-nulls and the
fallback to nearest neighbor if-any-nulls methods below; YMMV.

> Since v.what.rast samples a raster value at a given
> location, why not use the standard raster sampling methods
>                 nearest: nearest neighbor
>                 linear: linear interpolation
>                 cubic: cubic convolution
>                 lanczos: lanczos filter
>                 linear_f: linear interpolation with fallback
>                 cubic_f: cubic convolution with fallback
>                 lanczos_f: lanczos filter with fallback
> which are used by r.proj and i.rectify? The concept is essentially the
> same: for a given location, estimate the corresponding raster value.

what I've called IDW is similar to the bilinear method above, with the
exception of how surrounding NULLs are handled, and nearest is similar
to the default behavior of v.what.rast. If someone wants to take it up
and expand the options to use Rast_interp_bicubic() & co., I'm happy for
it, but would like to preserve the null handling and speed.

The main bug so far is if the print-only flag is used, it doesn't yet
bypass the checks for if the vector map has a table, is in the current
mapset (is alterable), and to remove the need for topology.

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