Oh yes I remember some times back reading about it, apologies.

On 15 December 2013 02:19, Michael Barton <c.michael.bar...@gmail.com>wrote:

> This is the bug I've been reporting for months now. It was introduced with
> the new tool box feature. There is a work around I can send you when I'm
> back at a computer. But it really needs to be found and fixed. Anna and I
> have tried to track it down without success yet.
> Michael Barton
> Sent from my iPhone...
> (so please excuse any typos)
> On Dec 14, 2013, at 5:51 AM, Yann Chemin <yche...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I created a new user (also administrator) on a MacBook and started to
> follow Michael's steps to install version 7 Maverick
> I get a strange error on install, the directory GRASS (inside is the
> application grass-7.0) is there but I do not have permission to open the
> directory in Finder (though I did install it). Going to the "main" user of
> the machine I could change the permissions, and also checked that GRASS7.0
> runs well, all good there, no worries.
> Going back to my user, I can go in the directory, and launch the
> application, ok. Then things go weird. It was working well in the "main"
> user but bugs in that new user... Both have admin level.
> Python 2.7.5 found.
>    1) Have at your side all available GRASS GIS tutorials
>    2) When working on your location, the following materials
>       are extremely useful:
>       - A topographic map of your area
>       - Current catalog of available computer maps
>    3) heck the GRASS GIS web pages for supporting mailing lists and more:
>       http://grass.osgeo.org
> Hit RETURN to continue
> Starting GRASS GIS...
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File
> "/Applications/GRASS/GRASS-7.0.app/Contents/MacOS/etc/gui/wxpython/gis_set.py",
> line 37, in <module>
>     from core.utils import _
>   File
> "/Applications/GRASS/GRASS-7.0.app/Contents/MacOS/etc/gui/wxpython/core/utils.py",
> line 36, in <module>
>     from core.gcmd  import RunCommand
>   File
> "/Applications/GRASS/GRASS-7.0.app/Contents/MacOS/etc/gui/wxpython/core/gcmd.py",
> line 744, in <module>
>     _enc = GetDefaultEncoding() # define as global variable
>   File
> "/Applications/GRASS/GRASS-7.0.app/Contents/MacOS/etc/gui/wxpython/core/gcmd.py",
> line 737, in GetDefaultEncoding
>     enc = locale.getdefaultlocale()[1]
>   File
> "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/locale.py",
> line 511, in getdefaultlocale
>     return _parse_localename(localename)
>   File
> "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/locale.py",
> line 443, in _parse_localename
>     raise ValueError, 'unknown locale: %s' % localename
> ValueError: unknown locale: UTF-8
> Error in GUI startup. If necessary, please report this error to the GRASS
> developers.
> Switching to text mode now.
> --
> ----

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