Yes Vaclav,

There are several entry points in GRASS GIS to create/(up)load some kind of
information that can be part of a metadata system. We know that GRASS is
lacking a unified system to report into a metadata format that is "modern",
interchangable and exportable into online systems.

Once GSoC starts, there will be some more discussions coming up indeed !


On 28 January 2014 22:00, Vaclav Petras <> wrote:

> On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 11:12 AM, Moritz Lennert <
>> wrote:
>> On 28/01/14 16:00, Margherita Di Leo wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> I'd like to bring a proposal for the forthcoming GSoC, that is the
>>> support for INSPIRE. This proposal is twofold, one regarding the
>>> metadata support, the other regarding the support for the data
>>> transformation to meet the inspire schema. I would like to know your
>>> opinion before drafting the idea into the trac. I'm willing to mentor
>>> for the INSPIRE POV, and since I'm working at JRC I have the opportunity
>>> to take advantage of a direct contact with the very people who are
>>> developing the Directive. Martin Landa kindly made himself available to
>>> co-mentor from the GRASS POV.
>> +1, but I think we should aim for generic metadata handling and then
>> allow the use of specific schemas such as INSPIRE.
>> INSPIRE is using some more general ISO standards, isn't it?
> QGIS metatools is a nice example of such a generic tool allowing for
>> specification of different schemas and for different outputs through the
>> use of XSLT conversion.
>> QGIS compatibility would be appreciated by a lot of users and it might
> even show the way to go.
> Some other thing to consider is how this metadata support would interact
> with existing, r.timestamp etc. I remember that Yann and NikosA
> was talking about this in Genova in 2013.
> Vaclav
> Moritz
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