Dear list,

due to strange misbehaviours, we are doing some stress tests on
r.profile under Grass 6.4 and Windows 7

Case A (less interesting, IMHO):

r.profile fails with ERROR: G_malloc when the number of pixel queried
is more than 1E6
our test: profile lenght: 300km, res=3 OK, res=2 failure ( example a
river analysis on a lidar-derived DTM)

Case B (more interesting):

r.profile fails when "profile" input is a string larger than 8100
characters (more or less)
I suppose the problem comes from a limit of cmd.exe (8191 characters)
see [0]

Please, consider that using UTM integer coordinates that means only
300 nodes, and this is not so unusual for profile analysis.

Probably, using optionally a text file as "profile" input could solve
the problem without refactoring the module...
Could be this bug solved in Grass 7?

Hope this helps


enrico gallo

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