On Thu, Mar 6, 2014 at 1:38 PM, epi <massimodisa...@gmail.com> wrote:

> At the moment i’m having so much fun with IPython Notebook
> that is my actually my grass interface ... in this idea i can see a little
> room for it too :)

IPython Notebook would be the clear choice of Python command console for a
web GUI written from scratch. Similarly, OpenLayers or Leaflet could become
a web GRASS GUI map display. The downside of things such as GTK+ Broadway
is that these solutions are simply not available. Although they can be
always used inside some web view. With this we are getting to the other
option I was mentioning: web-based GUI used in a web view(s) on desktop.
This would allow us to use all highly interactive Java Script visualization
libraries on desktop.

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