Vaclav Petras wrote:

> > I think this is very common in companies and public institutions. I
> > know several companies with much more restrictive guideline (no
> > internet connection, USB sticks not allowed, ...). So you can't expect
> > that user have a free choice.
> Hi, I don't understand how this actually influence whether GRASS should
> have Python inside or outside. For user there is no difference since it
> should be managed by sysadmin, so what is sysadmin's decision process?

Well, one factor is that a sysadmin may be willing to install the
stock Python version from the MSI on the site (although
there are plenty that wouldn't even allow that), but somewhat less
willing to install a second copy of Python that's bundled into a
relatively-obscure third-party package that no-one (other than one
user who's asking to install it) has ever heard of.

Sysadmins typically don't perform exhaustive security analysis using
debuggers, disassemblers, etc. Approval is more likely to be based
upon reputation, third-party reviews, and prejudice. The last one
tends to hurt anything that's perceived as opening the system up to
additional risks (e.g. languages or other "developer" tools).

Glynn Clements <>
grass-dev mailing list

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