2014-06-07 18:28 GMT+02:00 Glynn Clements <gl...@gclements.plus.com>:


Right, anyway it's not the first time you broken Windows builds
without any attempt to fix (or even attempt to understand what you
broke - it requires that you at least install GRASS on your Windows
machine). The last example which I can mention is the problem with
calling python script from python script. I was forced to locally
patch winGRASS 7 for several months to make it working (it was used by
many of us in our lessons). From this perspective you simply don't
care..., you just revert without proposing any other working solution.

> On Unix, you'd expect developers to just build from source. But on
> Windows, getting a development environment set up is a lot more
> effort, so having access to binaries is still useful for developers.

Right, that was the main reason why I put quite a lot of energy and my
time to create environment for producing daily builds for Windows. And
you can guess, I am not Windows user. Why I spent my time on that
including fixing some Windows-related bugs? The main reason is that
GRASS project needs good support on Windows. I would prefer to spend
my time on other more interesting issues, as you can probably guess.

> But you're the one hosting them (or not), so it's your call.

Right, and try to guess why? Because nobody wanted to do that, so I
did. Don't ask me to do more for Windows, and please don't break GRASS
on this platform regularly as you are doing. It's simply not my call!

>> The person who introduced the complete break [3] simply doesn't
>> care.
> No, that's not true. However, my Windows system is still rather
> inadequate as a development platform (it does now have the base
> MinGW/MSys installation, but not the libraries required to build

Feel free to invest your time to make it better, just reverting or
blocking is not the way. If you are not able to find such time, please
tell us and don't continue reverting our attempts to make it working.

> It doesn't absolutely *have* to be me who fixes it. I don't even use
> Windows as a development platform for my own purposes. If Windows

Huh, I know probably only one GRASS developer here who uses Windows
regularly, other people use GNU/Linux. From this perspective we
haven't had any daily builds on Windows, because nobody would set it

> The changes required to Script.make and/or ScriptRules.make to create
> batch files aren't exactly rocket science, but testing them would be
> much easier for someone who has a Windows system which can actually
> build GRASS.

Cool, if you are reverting other attempts you could probably find some
time to implement it even it's not "exactly rocket science". The
discussion about this topic has probably tens of e-mails with
guessable result.  You were proposed bat-files at the beginning, no
consensus, no other way. Never ending "discussions" with no result.


Martin Landa * http://geo.fsv.cvut.cz/gwiki/Landa
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