#2346: r.timestamp: support also YYYY-DOY
 Reporter:  neteler                                 |       Owner:  grass-dev@… 
     Type:  enhancement                             |      Status:  new         
 Priority:  normal                                  |   Milestone:  7.0.0       
Component:  LibGIS                                  |     Version:  
 Keywords:  r.timestamp, t.register, temporal, doy  |    Platform:  All         
      Cpu:  Unspecified                             |  

Comment(by huhabla):

 This must be implemented in the C datetime library and in the temporal
 framework parser in datetime_math.py[1]. I hoped that the dateutils[2]
 already support this to have it out of the box, but unfortunately they

 Hence we should orient on the ISO 8601 standard for ordinal dates when
 implementing this (YYYY-DDD) but not YYYYDDD, since the temporal framework
 and the C datetime library also support relative time and can't decide if
 1900031 is 31. Jan. 1900 or if it is the number of seconds, days, ... .

 [2] https://labix.org/python-dateutil

Ticket URL: <http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/2346#comment:2>
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