
+1 to beta3. Maybe the announcement of it is a chance to update the
instructions on http://grass.osgeo.org/download/software/linux/ :

Linux Mint: "ppa:grassgis/grassgis-testing" doesn't exist. But
probably ppa from Ubuntu should work, too. (see remarks below)
Ubuntu: "ppa:grass/grass-stable" is ok.

Generally Ubuntu GRASS 7 is not working well together with parallel
grass_6.4.3-3 installation. Errors:
1) on installation: E:
/var/cache/apt/archives/grass-doc_6.4.3-4~trusty1_all.deb: Versuch,
"/usr/share/man/man1/r3.out.vtk.1grass.gz" zu überschreiben, welches
auch in Paket grass70-doc 7.0-3-30661~ubuntu14.04.1 ist.
2) when starting GRASS 70:
Unable to get GRASS version
bash: /usr/lib/grass70/etc/prompt.py: No such file or directory

I have to note that I'm working on Linux Mint with Ubuntugis unstable
repository. Self-compiled from beta2 source runs fine.

Martin Zbinden
Student BFH HAFL

Riedacker 523,
CH-3154 Rüschegg Heubach
+41 31 738 84 23

2014-08-04 14:14 GMT+02:00 Markus Neteler <nete...@osgeo.org>:
> Hi,
> it seems that the backporting efforts are settled for beta 3 and the
> "rest" to be done later.
> If there are no objections, I can prepare the beta3 release tomorrow.
> Markus
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