On 13 August 2014 15:28, Matej Krejci <matejkre...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,

Hi Matej

> I would like to introduce possibility/decision of naming and choice of
> location for .xml metadata files.
> With Margherita and Martin we agreed:
> To create new folder 'metadata' in grass location:
> path/to/location/metadata
> naming:
> for raster map:
> cell_ + nameofmap +.xml
> e.g cell_basin.xml
> for vector map:
> vector_ + nameofmap+ .xml
> vector_route.xml
> also prefix can be r_ and v_. What you think?
> We decide to leave postfix in accordance with type of profile (basic,
> inspire) and hold just one metadata file.
> Does that make sense?

I didn't try metadata tool yet but, the metadat are created
automatically by GRASS or the user have to create them?
If the answer is the first one I fully agree with your proposal
otherwise I'd leave the choice where save the metadata to the user...

> Thank you
> Matej


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