Helmut Kudrnovsky wrote:

>  If Freetype is not installed, the font list will be limited to the set of
> Hershey stroke fonts supplied with GRASS

Requiring FreeType isn't the same as requiring MSys.

The issue isn't whether FreeType is "installed", but whether GRASS was
built with FreeType support. If it was, g.mkfontcap will have a direct
dependency upon the library, and if the library isn't present,
g.mkfontcap simply won't execute. If it wasn't, g.mkfontcap will only
list the stroke fonts regardless of whether the library is present.

In this regard, FreeType is no different to any other library which
GRASS uses. If the support is enabled at build time, the library has
to be included in any Windows binary package.

Glynn Clements <gl...@gclements.plus.com>
grass-dev mailing list

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