On 24/11/14 15:38, Margherita Di Leo wrote:

On Mon, Nov 24, 2014 at 2:19 PM, Moritz Lennert
<mlenn...@club.worldonline.be <mailto:mlenn...@club.worldonline.be>> wrote:

    On 21/11/14 10:23, Markus Neteler wrote:

        On Thu, Nov 20, 2014 at 10:10 AM, Moritz Lennert
        <mailto:mlenn...@club.worldonline.be>> wrote:

            On 17/11/14 15:45, Moritz Lennert wrote:

                As you can see below, Margherita contacted me concerning
                a GRASS
                presentation at the geospatial devromm foreseen for the
                first time at
                the upcoming FOSDEM.

        (here the conf link: https://fosdem.org/2015/ - Brussels / 31
        & 1 February 2015)

                I can present something, but would like to know

                1) if other devs are planning to attend and if yes, if
                they were
                planning to present anything

        I would be interested to go.

    Great !

                2) which themes you think would be the most interesting
                to present from
                a GRASS perspective

                Currently, I've been thinking about two themes:

                - The obvious "what's new in GRASS 7", but I'm not sure
                that this is the
                most appropriate for the mostly developper crowd present
                at a FOSDEM.

        I have never participated but I could offer talks at various
        tech level :)

                - A focus on the different APIs in GRASS from C to
                pygrass to
                grass.script, explaining structure and use cases of each.

                Any other ideas ?

        - GRASS GIS and HPC (satellite data processing)

    If you want to go for one of the two themes, you are probably better
    qualified than me to present them. But I am willing to help where I can.

    Margherita, I don't know how many slots there are, but I guess that
    one for the GRASS project is enough ?

It is great to have you both there! Yes I think that dedicating one slot
to the grass project will make the conference more balanced respect to
other projects as well. Does it sound reasonable to you to share one

Sure. As I said, if Markus comes and presents I think he's more competent than I am to do so, but I'm willing to support in any way.


P.S. I propose that we move the discussion on details off-list again, but if anyone else is interested don't hesitate to say so.
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