Forgot to mention:

t.rast.what does not seem to write to stdout (as the description suggests), 
only to file. Output to stdout could be an improvement for people who want to 
read the output directly into R for example (for that purpose the " 
one_point_per_row_output"-layout is splendid).

Carrying also the coordinates-option from r.what to t.rast.what would be nice 
for cases where one only has a few coordinates to process and where copying 
them from a text file or web and pasting them into the module is more 
convenient than creating a vector map for a single use case in advance (and 
probably deleting the vector map afterwards)...

Finally, as written in the r.what ticket, being able to make use of the 
site_name column also in "vector-map-mode" would be useful, because it is more 
demanding (both for user and computer) to join additional information to the 
output (or the other way around) using two columns in double precision compared 
to e.g. one cat column(or whatever a user might like to have in order to 
carachterize the sites), esp. because coordinates may be given with different 
level of precision in r.what and for example. But this applies to 
r.what first of course...
An intermediate solution could be to pipe something like: map=INPUT_VECTOR_MAP option=coor qcolumn=cat separator=comma -p | awk 
-v FS=',' -v OFS=',' '{print $2,$3,$1}' | tail -n +2
to the coordinates option in r.what... That way the cat column would show up in 
the r.what output...

Thanks again for the excellent tool!


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Blumentrath, Stefan
Sent: 29. januar 2015 07:30
Subject: Re: [GRASS-dev] [GRASS GIS] #2564: r.what: remove 400 maps limit and 
add some new output options

Great news! Thanks.
I shall test immediately.

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of GRASS GIS
Sent: 29. januar 2015 00:16
Subject: Re: [GRASS-dev] [GRASS GIS] #2564: r.what: remove 400 maps limit and 
add some new output options

#2564: r.what: remove 400 maps limit and add some new output options
 Reporter:  sbl          |       Owner:  grass-dev@…              
     Type:  enhancement  |      Status:  new                      
 Priority:  normal       |   Milestone:  7.1.0                    
Component:  Raster       |     Version:  svn-trunk                
 Keywords:  r.what       |    Platform:  Unspecified              
      Cpu:  Unspecified  |  

Comment(by huhabla):

 I have just committed a new temporal module called t.rast.what in trunk
 (r64349 - r64351) that utilized r.what to sample space time raster  datasets 
using vector points. It provides three output layouts that  transforms the 
r.what output into row or column layouts. It can run  several r.what processes 
in parallel using a maximum of 400 raster map  layer in a single r.what process.

 Please have a look at it.

 Any feedback about its performance, usefulness and handling is highly  welcome.

 Improving r.what to allow more than 400 maps is simple, just edit the  fixed 
value in the source. But, editing this value may cause open file  handler limit 
problems with your OS. However, these limits can be adjusted  at kernel level 
configuration for Linux.

 Implementing a more intelligent file handling solution requires more  effort.

Ticket URL: <>

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