Dear all,

Following this relatively long thread one can observe that some arguments and 
proposals are being repeated, while other aspects receive probably less 
attention than they deserve.
Therefor Anna`s suggestion below seems quite reasonable, in order to e.g. 
identify differences between solutions proposed, pros and cons and for 
preparing a decision on this.

>We probably need to put all these (detailed) suggestions on trac.

Finally, I could think of two other “improvements” (I do not want to make 
things more complicated):

1)     I was just wondering, every module has a manual, the startup-screen does 
not. What about having a e.g. the “Location and Mapsets” wiki page as a manual 
behind e.g. a (not too flashy) question-mark-button on the on the welome screen.

2)     When providing a demo location, personally, I would be afraid that 
people blindly start using it for their work. Would it be possible to launch an 
info message every time a user starts a mapset in “demolocation”, which tells 
that it is meant for demo purposes only and that he/she should build up a GRASS 
GIS database according to the relevant maping context (providing access/link to 
in depth “Location and Mapset” information)?


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