On 03/02/15 04:26, Yann Chemin wrote:
It may sound out of place, but would it be possible to call this dialog
anytime during a grass session to manage where you want to work through
a known, unified interface?

Markus suggested something like this during our discussions at FOSDEM. Here's a summary of what I could see as the possible flow of startup:

1) Run GRASS launch script => GUI opens directly

2) Have entries in the 'File'-Menu to

        - 'Open existing location'
        - 'Create new location'
        - 'Creat new mapset'
        - 'Manage locations and mapsets' (could also replace the two last 

3) When the user tries to add a layer to the display or to run any module, a warning pops up saying something like this:

"You have to create a new location or open an existing before being able to display any data" with buttons:

        - Open existing location
        - Create new location
        - Cancel

The 'Create new location' would bring you to the equivalent of the current location creation wizard.

The advantages of this would be to:

- allow new users to see an open GUI before having to think about locations, etc - integrate location management into the GUI in a more visible way than via g.proj -c/g.mapset/etc

The idea is not to make this the only way to start GRASS, it would just be an alternative to the existing startup.

But in any case, this should not be for GRASS 7.0 which we should release very soon. New startup is not an API change so we can still introduce that in a point release.


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