
2015-02-25 21:18 GMT+01:00 Sebastiaan Couwenberg <sebas...@xs4all.nl>:
> While you're at it, there are some fixes you need in
> grass7-core.links & grass7-core.links.in:
> - remove the symlink from grass70 to itself,
>   the symlink from grass to grass70 was a cause of conflicts between
>   the grass & grass70 packages.
> - remove the symlink from grass@vers...@.1.gz to grass.1.gz,
>   grass7-core.links is correct, but grass7-core.links.in is not.

I fixed these issues and put to Launchpad the new packages as
`7.0.0-7`. Testing welcomed (the new package should be available in

> The man pages in grass7-doc.install{,.in} is still a cause of conflict
> between the grass & grass7 packages. Instead of use Conflicts to prevent
> co-installation with dependencies, using the alternatives system to
> switch between version like openjdk-6 & 7 uses is probably better.

This issue is still open. Martin

Martin Landa
grass-dev mailing list

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