On Sat, Mar 21, 2015 at 6:49 AM, Nikos Alexandris <n...@nikosalexandris.net>

> While working on the script, I'd like to understand if the "gisprompt"
> line is correct:
> #%option
> #% key: linke
> #% key_desc: key description here
> #% type: string
> #% label: label here
> #% gisprompt: old,fcell,raster
> #% description: Name of the Linke atmospheric turbidity coefficient input
> raster map
> #% required : no
> #%end
> This does not seem correct. Run

r.sun --script

and you will get what should be there.But note that the output is
suboptimal because it is listing all the details and it is not using
standard options, so look which standard options you can use (e.g.

It would be good if you can look to r.sun which other options you can

According to <http://wgrass.media.osaka-cu.ac.jp/grassh/programming7/
> gislib_cmdline_parsing.html#gisprompt_Member>:
> "...three comma-separated (no spaces allowed) sub-arguments..."  and
> "Second argument: ...should be the name of one of the standard
> subdirectories of the mapset, as listed in $GISBASE/etc/element_list."
> Since Linke Turbidity ranges in [0, 7.0], "fcell" shoulb be correct here.
> Also, does it matter if a map is DCELL or FCELL, regarding the "element"?
> Either will be stored inside the "fcell" directory, right?
> Nikos
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