On 11 March 2015 at 01:55, Matej Krejci <matejkre...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,


> Last GSOC I was working on ISO based metadata management for GRASS. In this
> term I was created 'package' wx.metadata which is currently available in
> GRASS add-ons. This part was essential. During playing with possibilities of
> implementation I did a draft of metadata catalogue which is the main task of
> current GSOC topic[1]. Moreover to implement additional functions (see
> list[1]) for current metadata modules is more than suitable.
> Since last GSOC I am still slightly in coding for GRASS and I like to
> continue in this topic. Please let me know if the topic is still free.

Yes, I think it is still free, please submit your proposal.
I saw that you have already a mentor a co-mentor, I added myself as
co-mentor too.

Friday is the last day for submissions...

> Thanks in advance,
> Matej


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