On 05/05/15 12:28, Margherita Di Leo wrote:
Dear All,

I find the current syntax of g.remove a bit cumbersome, because it
doesn't seem to me in line with what happens with other commands.
If I want to remove the vector file foo, I have to type:

g.remove vect name=foo -f

Without the "name=" it won't work, which is not in line to the usage of
other commands.
To me it would be more natural (and indeed i always type wrong the first
time) something like:

g.remove vect name foo -f

being name one of the two options (name, pat) that could be identifier=
or something better. In this case, it would be possible to type the
former command or the extended form:

g.remove type=vect identifier=name name=foo -f
g.remove type=vect identifier=pattern name="f*" -f
(g.remove vect pat "f*" -f)

what do you think?

AFAIK, this would mean a fundamental change in the way the parser works.

I think it might be better to create small wrapper scripts, e.g.:


which could use just the name option of g.remove to have a syntax such as this:

g.remove.vect foo -f

If you use GNU/Linux you can also do this very simply by defining a function in .grass7/bashrc:

g.remove.vect ()
                g.remove type=vect name=$@


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