On 22/06/15 16:57, Vincent Bain wrote:
Thank you Moritz for your reply,
not the most elegant but surely the quickest way :
here you can download a full test directory [27MB] (db links were
removed because initial data is stored in a postgres db).


Open workspace_L3z.gxw, and try to edit any vector map the way I
described in my previous post. Let me know if you have the same issue.

I've tried several times using a freshly checkouted and compiled grass64release branch on Debian testing.

I cannot reproduce. I tried changing the order of layers in the manager (which changes the order of layers in the list of maps available for digitization) and zooming to different extents, but it always worked (except for one single time, but I was not 100% to have clicked on the layer I thought I clicked on).

So, sorry...

What OS are you on ?

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