On 2 July 2015 at 09:49, Pietro <peter.z...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Luca and Moritz,

Dear All,

> On Wed, Jul 1, 2015 at 11:58 AM, Moritz Lennert
> <mlenn...@club.worldonline.be> wrote:
>> May I just suggest the following small modification
> ok, added.
>>> I believe we should add the generated table somewhere in the manual docs.
>>> Should I add this python script to grass_addons/tools?
>> Wouldn't it be better in tools/ directly in the source code ?
> ok, committed in r65534.
> Some examples:
> {{{
> $ python2 tools/parser_standard_options.py -t
> lib/gis/parser_standard_options.c -f csv -o
> parser_standard_options.csv
> $ tail parser_standard_options.csv
> G_OPT_STR3DS_INPUT;;Name of the input space time raster3d
> dataset;;old,str3ds,str3ds;input;name;;;;YES;TYPE_STRING
> G_OPT_STR3DS_INPUTS;;Name of the input space time raster3d
> datasets;;old,str3ds,str3ds;inputs;name;;YES;;YES;TYPE_STRING
> G_OPT_STR3DS_OUTPUT;;Name of the output space time raster3d
> dataset;;new,str3ds,str3ds;output;name;;;;YES;TYPE_STRING
> G_OPT_STDS_TYPE;strds;Type of the input space time
> dataset;;;type;name;;;strds,stvds,str3ds;NO;TYPE_STRING
> G_OPT_MAP_INPUT;;Name of the input 
> map;;old,map,map;map;name;;;;YES;TYPE_STRING
> G_OPT_MAP_INPUTS;;Name of the input
> maps;;old,map,map;maps;name;;YES;;YES;TYPE_STRING
> G_OPT_MAP_TYPE;raster;Type of the input
> map;;;type;name;;;raster,vector,raster_3d;NO;TYPE_STRING
> G_OPT_T_TYPE;absolute;The temporal type of the space time
> dataset;;;temporaltype;name;;;absolute,relative;NO;TYPE_STRING
> G_OPT_T_WHERE;;Example: start_time > '2001-01-01
> 12:30:00';;;where;sql_query;WHERE conditions of SQL statement without
> 'where' keyword used in the temporal GIS framework;;;NO;TYPE_STRING
> G_OPT_T_SAMPLE;start;The method to be used for sampling the input
> dataset;;;sampling;name;;YES;start,during,overlap,contain,equal,follows,precedes;NO;TYPE_STRING
> $ python2 tools/parser_standard_options.py -t
> lib/gis/parser_standard_options.c -f html -o
> parser_standard_options.html
> $ head parser_standard_options.html
> <table border=1>
>   <tr>
>     <td>option</td>
>     <td>answer</td>
>     <td>description</td>
>     <td>descriptions</td>
>     <td>gisprompt</td>
>     <td>key</td>
>     <td>key_desc</td>
>     <td>label</td>
> $ python2 tools/parser_standard_options.py -t
> lib/gis/parser_standard_options.c -f csv -o
> parser_standard_options.csv -s Flg
> $  tail parser_standard_options.csv
> description;key
> G_FLG_V_TABLE;Do not create attribute table;'t'
> G_FLG_V_TOPO;Do not build topology;'b'
> }}}

In r66263 I improved the tools of Pietro (specially I added a new
GRASS output), moved it in man directory and added it to Makefile.
It now return a batter table, you should see it at this link [0] after
next manual compilation. Until now this page is not linked in any
other manual's page, let me know where do you think should be

> Best regards
> Pietro

Regards from Seoul

[0] https://grass.osgeo.org/grass71/manuals/parser_standard_options.html


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