#2834: v.db.select comand works, sqlite, attribute table does not open
 Reporter:  khe       |      Owner:  grass-dev@…
     Type:  defect    |     Status:  new
 Priority:  normal    |  Milestone:  7.0.3
Component:  Database  |    Version:  7.0.2
 Keywords:            |        CPU:  Unspecified
 Platform:  Linux     |

 I imported vector data by using the Python Shell

 g.run_command("v.in.ogr", dsn=loc2+"Schoenbuch_clip_strasse.shp",
 output=ort+"_strasse",overwrite=True, type="line",flags="o")
 g.run_command("v.in.ogr", dsn=loc2+"Schoenbuch_gewaesserordnung.shp",
 output=ort+"_gewaesser",overwrite=True, type="line",flags="o")
 g.run_command("v.in.ogr", dsn=loc2+"Schoenbuch_gewasserachse.shp",
 output=ort+"_gewaesserachse",overwrite=True, type="line",flags="o")
 g.run_command("v.in.ogr", dsn=loc2+"Schoenbuch_weg.shp",
 output=ort+"_weg",overwrite=True, type="line",flags="o")

 The database sqlite is connected (v.db.connect), I can open the vector
 layer, but cannot open the attribute table, but the command v.db.select
 works without having any problems.

 It says: "DMBI-SQLite driver error: Unable to scan data: Fehler: Kann
 Daten nicht aus der Tabelle <S_weg> holen.

 What could be the reason? Did anybody of you had similar problems?

 Thanks for your help.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/2834>
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