On Jan 17, 2016 2:13 PM, "Martin Landa" <landa.mar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> 2016-01-14 17:50 GMT+01:00 Martin Landa <landa.mar...@gmail.com>:
> > on the other hand, eg. [1] have same layout (platform first).
> any other comments? Any objection to change layout at wingrass.fsv.cvut.cz
> from
> * x86
> ** grass70
> ** grass71
> * x86_64
> ** grass70
> ** grass71
> to
> * grass70
> ** x86
> ** x86_64
> * grass71
> ** x86
> ** x86_64
> ?

+1 to the new layout.


> There will at least consistency with [1,2]. Ma
> [1] https://grass.osgeo.org/grass70/binary/mswindows/native/x86/
> [2] https://grass.osgeo.org/grass70/binary/mswindows/native/x86_64/
> --
> Martin Landa
> http://geo.fsv.cvut.cz/gwiki/Landa
> http://gismentors.cz/mentors/landa
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